Monday, March 19, 2007


Global Warming is Unstoppable

Ninety percent of human activity seems to be the primary cause of rising temperatures worldwide since 1950 (IPCC - International Group of Climate Scientist).

It so says that global warming continues for centuries, and it is already too late to stop it. But report also says that there is still time to slow global warming and too lessen many of its most severe consequences if we make neccesary move and actions now.

What i see is that, this phenomena relates to the second judgment in which fire will be used to sentence people in this world. We never know. This might be it > > >

Atomic Bomb - "Weapon of mass destruction "

Hiroshima in 1945 was the place where the first atomic bomb was dropped. Many people were harmed and killed by neutron radiation. Later on, more deaths occurred due to radioactive radiation.
From 1957 to 1962, the United States conducted several atomic bomb test in Nevada. Military mern and civilians working at the test sites developed disorders like cancer, heart diseases an diabetes.

ref: EnviSci by Florenda Santiago & company

Did you know?.

According to my trusted source, salts and metals usually come from acid mine drainage and from intrusion of sea water. They usually render agricultural soil unproductive, make water turbid and adversely affect aquatic life.

Friday, March 16, 2007

People in Action!!!...

Waste to energy (WTE) plays a vital role in solid waste management. WTE plants can reduce the volume of garbage by 60% - 90%. Trash is brought to the plant where it is either burned as received , or manipulated into a more uniform fuel to be burned to generate steam or electricity.

WTE has been succesfully achieved in one big local farm: the Maya farms. All electricity requirements of the farm are supplied by its WTE plant.

Oil Slicks are Toxics...

What are oil slicks?

Oil slicks contain aromatic hydrocarbons which are toxic to humans. By covering the water surface, oil slicks reduce oxygen dissolution in water and disturb the normal activities of marine animals like finding food, escaping predators, locating habitats or attracting mates or cause their eventual death. Ocean- going vessels are the major contributors of oil slicks.

Sounds scarry but its reality. How unfair it is for those living species be killed by us humans.

Water, water, water...

The United nations Economic and Social Commission fo Asia and the Pacific (UN_ESCAP) based in Bangkok reported that the household or domestic sewage is the biggest source of water pollutants in the Asia - Pacific region.
and So?...
The decomposition of organic waste consumes oxygen. Too much organic load in a body of water decreases the dissolved oxygen. When the dissolved oxygen is too low, decomposition shifts from aerobic to anaerobic. As a result, water stinks due to putrefaction.
Thats why..
Oxygen is important in water. it is used to oxidize or decompose organic materials and in the process, produce simpler substances such as carbon dioxide. This products are used by plants and other microorganisms for their growth...

Let us be educated people. Know where trashes belongs to and seperate those with bio and non-bio.

.. ref: EnviSci Florenda Santiago & company..

CFC - Chlorofluorocarbons

What are CFC's?
Chlorofluorocarbons, commonly know as the CFC's is one of the major causes of the depletion of the ozone layers. These are organic compounds that contain chlorine and fluorine. They are used as propellants in aerosol sprays, asthma nebulizers and fire extinguishers. Freon, the cooling substance of refrigirators and air conditioners, are also CFC-based. The air spaces of styrofoam are filled with CFC.

How do CFC affects the ozone layer?
CFC's drift high into the stratosphere where sunlight breaks them down into chlorine atoms. Chlorine atoms then break down ozone into oxygen thus causing the depletion of th ozone layer. in 1987, ahole in the ozone layer was observed over th Antarctic and in 1989, a severe thinning of the ozone layer was noted over the Arctic.
These phenomenon of great environmental concern are taking it seriously by government of different countries around the world. These include the law for massive destruction and avoidance of using these substances. It is for us to know and to inform others to conserve and protect our mother nature.

.. ref: EnviSci by florenda santiago & company..


It is said that 40% of our total population are smokers. The average Filipino begins smoking at the age of thirteen, according to a 1987 survey by the Lung Center of hte Philippines.
Smoking can cause early death. It is said to reduce a person's life expectancy by atleast seven years.
A stick of cigarette reduces the lifetime by seven seconds. One pack per day reduces the lifetime by 140 seconds.
Now you know.Its in you on how to handle it!!!.

.. ref: Environmental Science by florenda santiago & company..